3 Steps to a great Photo Book.
1) Make a selection (do it from your phone)
2) Up Load Personal Photos. (Optional)
3) Share your Favourites ( just two clicks)
Changes. (Please don't request a change unless you agree with our change policy)
1) Make a selection (do it from your phone)
After each match is played check the photo gallery and click the Heart.
on all the photos of your player. The more the better. Include any and all photos you would like in your book. Books are based on pages, 28 pages to a standard book (we can add more €3 per page) Books can have as many photos as you like. We recommend 50 -100 but it is your book. We can not start a book without a selection.
2) Up Load Personal Photos. (Optional)
Totally optional, but if you would like to include some personal photos, please upload them to your personal folder this will have been sent to you in the Order Confirmation email you will have received. Do so before we design your book as after is too late. 5-8 photos work well but we can add as many as you like. They will be included on additional pages at the back of the book. Additional pages are €3ea. Unfortunately, we cannot accept photos via Email, We Transfer, Snap Chat, facebook, text, or what other inventive ways you might have of sending photos. Unless they are in your folder we will not be able to open them. We must have them BEFORE we start your book, we can not add them after.
3) Share your Favourites ( just two clicks)
After the last match and when you have finished your selection and uploading any personal photos Click "Share Favourites" That will let us know your book is ready to be designed. We will not start your book until you "Share your Favourites" This will let us know your book is ready to be designed.
First click
Favourites. Then Click "Share Favourites"
We will email you a proof copy to review and approve before we commit it to print.
Changes. (Please don't request a change unless you agree with our change policy)
Its important to us that your book lives up to your expatiations. We do offer the opportunity to review and approve your book before its committed to print. This is an opportunity to look over your book and spot mistakes that we may have made, it is not an invitation to redesign the book. Most clients just love the book as we have it designed. Remember we have a much better view of it and lots and lots of practice. Our HD screens allow us to see what you may not. However, we will support just ONE round of THREE minor changes. For example simple instructions such as, delete, move, or swop photos within the book is great. Unfortunately, once the book is designed and Proof#1 has been sent, we cannot include photos that were not in your original selection or personal photos that were not in your folder at the time of designing your book. So before you "Share" your selection be sure you are set to go.
If the book does not meet your expectations that's totally understandable, let us know and we will cancel your order and issue a full refund.
Further Customisation.
We know that these books are very special and will be around for a very long time to come, so why not take advantage of our personalised serves. We offer unlimited changes for €25 and a One on One "design session" for €55 where you can design the book with us online giving the ultimate bespoke Photo Book. Just let us know when you submit your change request, or indeed we will understand that this is your intention once we see your change request.
Book queue:
Orders hit us a little like a “Tsunami” after the final whistle and so we have a “Book queue” which is based on completed selections. (The sooner you hit the Share button the better) We work down the list as quickly as possible and try my best to keep short, but it does get very busy at certain times of the year and after events finish.
Books take time to get right. We can only work with a couple of customers at a time before moving on to the next on the list. Getting back to us with your approval once you have seen your proof copy really helps.
If you need to skip the queue, for instance, a Birthday or other important deadline be sure to let me know and we can see what can be done.
Books take ~10 working days for production and shipping.
Additional Copies. (Special offer)
These books make great presents to Grandparents and other family members. If you order additional copies at the same time as "Proof Approval" you can take advantage of the following pricing. Normally €89 + shipping.
Any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.