Welcome to the U20 NZ gpfoto web page. pfoto Web page !!!
I specialise in producing Personalised Photo Books for individual players of the entire WR U20 Championships. As many photos from all 5 matches as you like and much as we can squeeze into a book. My photos, your photos, news reports .. what ever ...Please take a look at some samples from the past years.
Best order BEFORE kick off. That way I can Target the players.
It is refundable, injury, poor photos, change your mind whatever.
Get to the Final and you may have wished you order now... you can always cancel later if you change your mind.
See you in the Final Gerry :-)
Please check out the quality of my photography gpfoto.ie
This is just a few samples. All designed for the specific player who commissioned me.
If you are at the pitch please say Hi !! I will be the Irish guy with the overgrown camera.
How much... the price of a pair of boot's €149 + €8.90 shipping
or just join the Photo distribution list. and keep up with the match photos